Latest News
- By Ryan Titley
- Nov 13 2019
Meet the stakeholder relations manager of Pilots4U
Proud to continue the vast work of the founding partners and to be given the opportunity to further coordinate and expand the Pilots4U network.
- By Ryan Titley
- Aug 23 2019
Pilots4U Database – the New & Improved User Experience
Following the feedback collected in the course of an initial round of stakeholder workshops, the Pilots4U team has implemented a number of changes on the Pilots4U database interface, in order to improve user experience throughout the site.
- By Ryan Titley
- Aug 23 2019
Pilots4U Newsletter
Following the feedback collected in the course of an initial round of stakeholder workshops, the Pilots4U team has implemented a number of changes on the Pilots4U database interface, in order to improve user experience throughout the site.
- By Ryan Titley
- Aug 22 2019
Pilots4U Database strongly supported by BIC and BBI-JU
At the occasion of the Pilots4U Final Event, that was held on June 25th in Brussels, both the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) and the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI-JU) expressed their strong support for the Pilots4U database.
- By Ryan Titley
- Aug 22 2019
Pilots4U Finance Strategy Roundtable: Strengthening Europe’s open access pilot and demo infrastructure
The Pilots4U project is coming to an end and its last two events, which included a Finance Roundtable and a final event, took place in Brussels on 24th - 25th June.
- By Ryan Titley
- Aug 22 2019
Turning Gaps in Provision into Opportunities
Now that the Pilots4U project is coming to an end, the project team has built a series of business cases describing possible ways to address the gaps in equipment provision identified throughout the project. To understand the context and purpose of these business cases, it is necessary to take a step back and review the work leading up to these business cases.