VTT's new piloting platform for process chemistry in VTT Bioruukki Pilot Centre, will have an impact on our everyday life: on what we wear, on what we eat, on how we move around. It has been designed to accelerate corporate bio- and circular economy projects. The modernisation and digitalisation of processes offer improved tools for developing, for example, chemical plastics recycling.
With the launch of the piloting platform for process chemistry, VTT Bioruukki strengthens its position among the world's leading piloting centres. “We use the piloting platform for chemistry to develop new value-added products from bio- and recycled materials. It complements the existing process technologies at VTT Bioruukki, providing a holistic production chain from raw materials to final products. Some of the raw materials used have been considered very difficult to recycle ,” says Jussi Manninen, Executive Vice President at VTT.