Cellulose based textile fibre wet spinning pilots

Personal information


Mika Härkönen



Service Provider:

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd

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Type of Collaboration:Fee paying basisFunded collaborative projectNegotiable
What "non-technical" services relevant to scale-up does your organisation offer?:Life Cycle AssessmentProcess ModellingTechnoeconomic Assessment


Asset Information:
Cellulose based textile fibre wet spinning pilots
Raw Material:
Lignocellulosic - specific
Process Stage:
Secondary Processing
Textile fibre spinning
Technology Area:
Material technologies
Semi Pilot, Pilot
Additional Technical Information:
Two wet spinning pilots for cellulose based textile fibres. 1) Large pilot plant with capacity of 50-100 kg staple fibre per day. Equipped with dissolving, filtration, fibre spinning, staple fibre cutter, washing and post treatment unit, and dryers. Mainy for cellulose carbamate, not for viscose spinning. 2) A smaller semi-pilot scale fibre spinning line (1-5 kg/day) with dissolving and filtration units. The smaller line has possibility for carbamate, alkali dissolved cellulose and viscose spinning.
Both pilot lines are supported by versatile analytics for the solution and fibre charcterisation. Supported by chemical laboratories and pilots for cellulose modifícation, such as celluose pre-treatmets, carbamation or viscose synthesis.
Address : Ruukinmestarintie 202330 FI