Spiral wound microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reversed osmosis (MF, UF, NF, RO)

Personal information


Business Development



Service Provider:

Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant

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Type of Collaboration:Fee paying basisFunded collaborative projectJoint venturesNegotiable
What "non-technical" services relevant to scale-up does your organisation offer?:Technoeconomic Assessment


Asset Information:
Spiral wound microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reversed osmosis (MF, UF, NF, RO)
Raw Material:
Biomass - any
Process Stage:
Separation Technologies
Membrane filtering
Technology Area:
Mechanical separations
Semi Pilot, Pilot, Demonstration
Additional Technical Information:
4 different scales available:
1. Bench scale MF/UF/NF/RO: 1 membrane with diameter 1.8 inch. Filtration surface up to 0.30 m². TMP max 50 bar.
2. MF/UF: 1 to 12 membranes with diameter 3.8 inch. Filtration surface up to 12 x 6.0 m². TMP max 5 bar.
3. MF/UF: 1 to 9 membranes with diameter 6.3 inch. Filtration surface up to 9 x 20 m². TMP max 5 bar.
4. MF/UF/NF/RO: 1 to 6 membranes with diameter 8.0 inch. Filtration surface up to 6 x 40 m². TMP max 40 bar.

More info on http://www.bbeu.org/pilotplant/technologies/product-recovery-and-purification/
Address : Rodenhuizekaai 19042 BE